Sacred Medicine Ceremonies are offered in group and one-on-one settings and usually are scheduled around Moon and Sun cycles. All medicine ceremonies are sourced from the PMT Mesa (Pachakuti Mesa Tradition) and are contained by linages of Kamaska Curanderismo and Ancient Kehmit (Hermes tradition). Each ceremony (nightly mesada) usually starts at sunset and lasts until sunrise and involves the following:

  1. Physical and energetic fasting, including diet, breathing, and connection to nature
  2. One or more non-medicine cleansing ceremonies
  3. Membership and full adherence to ONAC rules and guidance, join here
  4. Journeys varies in duration depending on the specific circumstances from hours to all night
  5. Many Journeys maybe experienced during a single retreat depending on goals and circumstances
  6. All ceremonies are contained in unconditional love and deep compassion to all creation